Kent Town Swimming Club

Club Policies



Kent Town Swimming Club operates within the standards of Swimming Australia and Swimming SA’s Code of Conduct and supports fully rules of behaviour of all participants within the swimming community as set out in Swimming Australia’s National Integrity Framework to provide a safe and supportive environment for participants regardless of their gender, ability, ethnicity, cultural background or religion. 

As a member of the Kent Town Swimming Club, all Members understand and will comply with the following guidelines:


  1. Team Members will follow all instructions given by the coaches at training, meets, and all other team related activities.
  1. Team Members will display proper respect and sportsmanship towards coaches, teammates, officials and the public, and will refrain from any behaviour that may discredit or embarrass the team.
  2. Team Members are required to wear the Kent Town Swimming Club compulsory uniform items when competing at all Meets / Competitions.  When representing the Club at events, (e.g. official engagements, fundraising barbecues, medal presentations) Team Members are required to wear their club polo and any other uniform item directed by the Club or Coach(es).  When in club uniform, Team Members are representing Kent Town Swimming Club and should demonstrate good sportsmanship and club pride.
  3. Team Members will be respectful of other people’s possessions and property and will refrain from activities that cause damage to either. Team Members are financially responsible for any damage they cause.
  4. Physical and verbal harassment of others is strictly prohibited. This extends to any form of harassment or offensive communications via Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) or Social Media.
  5. Team Members are strictly prohibited to use PEDs with any inappropriate or offensive content, be it visual or audio, at any training, meet, or other team related activity.
  6. Team Members are expected to use appropriate language always at training, meets and all other team related activities.
  7. Team Members are expected to follow all pool rules and facility rules at training and meets.
  8. Team Members are expected to display a positive attitude and give an honest effort in training and competition.
  9. As a matter of pride and courtesy, Team Members should leave all training areas, meet observation areas and swimmer assembly areas in a clean and orderly condition.
  10. Attending sessions – A swimmer should normally attend and complete training sessions where possible. The coach should be notified in advance if a swimmer will be arriving late or requesting early departure.
  11. Squad Allocation – The Head Coach (where necessary, in consultation with other coaches) will decide on any squad allocations and changes. Where possible reasonable notice will be given.
  12. Exclusions – A coach has the right to temporarily exclude a Member if their behaviour is deemed inappropriate. This exclusion may cover all or part of the session and will be reported to a member of the management committee.

Parent / Guardian:

  1. As a parent, I will not coach or instruct the team or any swimmer at training or meets (unless I am assisting in an official capacity), nor will I interfere with the coaches on pool deck.
  2. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting myself in a manner that earns the respect of my child, other swimmers, parents, officials and the coaches at training and meets.
  3. During competitions, questions or concerns regarding decisions made by meet officials are to be directed to our Team Manager (TM) who will liaise with our coaching staff / Swimming SA officials.
  4. As a parent, I understand that criticising coaches, other team members, other parents, etc. in the presence of any swimmers may undermine the swimmer-coach relationship and can damage the overall experience the swimmer has as a team member.
  5. I will meet with coaches outside of training at an agreed time, so as not to distract them from training other team members.

Due Process
Any failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action. A breach of the Code of Conduct can be reported by anyone. 

A breach can be reported to any Coach, TM or Committee Members who will report it to the Head Coach. 

Parents / Guardians of swimmers under 18 years of age will be informed by the Head Coach of the alleged breach and the swimmer will be given an appropriate time to respond. 

The Head Coach will record the incident details, and if required, what disciplinary action was taken. 

Disciplinary measures may include, but are not limited to: a verbal warning, removal from practice/ competition, membership suspension/cancellation, or dismissal from a team and or competition. 

Other Guidelines and Policies : 

  • Smoking: we adopt a smoke free environment at all activities and functions. 
  • Drugs and alcohol – no athlete can consume alcohol at any meets or functions. Drug policy is aligned with any State and Territory laws. Members who breach these guidelines are liable to have their membership terminated. 
  • Swimming Australia and Swimming SA Policy and Procedures, including: − Swim Australia Privacy Policy 2016 – or update

    − Swimming Australia’s National Integrity Framework
    − Child Welfare Policy
    − Member Welfare Policy
    − Behavioural Guidelines
    − Facility Rules
    − SAL Risk Management Policy. 

For full details please refer to our governing bodies,